The Frog Blog

The Hate List
The purpose of Zefu is to give zero fucks about the little annoyances of everyday life so they don’t suck the joy out of your existence.
The purpose of The Hate List is to identify the little annoyances of everyday life and to acknowledge their joy sucking power.
If Zefu Lisa is all peace and zen, Hate List Lisa has the patience of a gnat.
That’s the beauty of THL - it gives you permission to be a petty asshole, which is absolutely my favorite type of asshole to be.

Step by Step
Every encounter we have is an energy exchange. I doubt anyone was traumatized by my Battle story, but it didn’t make anyone’s day. Clearly I’m not destined to be the person skipping through life with a smile for everyone. Doesn’t mean I have to be a whiny little bitch.

WTF? (Why the Frog?)
What we have here is a failure to communicate. I am an excellent communicator. This...